The majority of our total emissions and negative impacts come from our supply chain, which is largely located in Asia. Silva has no in-house production and is therefore dependent on various suppliers and subcontractors. Our greatest opportunity to influence — and yet our biggest challenge — is to collaborate with our suppliers and set visions, and goals, and to do follow-ups that contribute to creating positive change for both people and the environmen
We have set a goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emission intensity by 60% by 2030*. To achieve this, we must work towards production powered by renewable energy sources while accelerating initiatives that reduce the overall energy consumption in production. This is where we have the most impact and can drive the most significant change. Where we stand today, we also see opportunities to implement other changes along the production and supply chain that further reduce our emissions and negative impacts. You can read more about these initiatives below. Continue to read more about these initiatives.
*Compared to 2022

Silva Code of Conduct
Our current ”Silva Code of Conduct" is based on the UN Global Compact and its 10 principles covering human rights, labor rights, environmental rights, and anti-corruption. It is simply a document with a set of principles and guidelines that we expect all our suppliers and business partners to sign and follow. If they fail to do so, it is our responsibility to terminate the collaboration and find new partners. Read the Silva Code of Conduct here.
However, our plan going forward is to transition to Amfori's Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Code of Conduct and involve our suppliers and business partners in this journey.

Amfori BSCI
Founded in 1977, Amfori is today a world-leading industry organization for sustainable trade with over 2400 members. Using a recognised methodology, they help companies conduct responsible business and improve their policies and processes. With the help of the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, we can demand well-founded and documented CSR work throughout the supply chain while receiving assistance in identifying, preventing, considering, and addressing any misconduct or violations of human rights.
We aim for all our main suppliers (tier 1) to have signed Amfori BSCI by 2025. By then we will have mapped out all subcontractors (tier 2 and 3), and they should then have signed Amfori BSCI by 2027. We will carry out continuous follow-ups and regular reviews to ensure that the requirements are being met.

Amfori BEPI
The Amfori Business Environment Performance Initiative (BEPI) Code of Conduct is built on the same principles as Amfori BSCI, but here the focus is shifted towards environmental issues and identifying and addressing environmental risks in the supply chain. We have chosen to seek assistance from Amfori in this area to enhance our overall environmental performance and minimize potential environmental risks in our production. The fundamental principle of BEPI is to work towards continuous improvements and create positive change by continuously implementing new ways of working, by changing, reducing, or substituting materials, etc.
The same objectives apply here – by 2025, all our main suppliers should have signed, and our subcontractors should be mapped out and then have signed BEPI by 2027. We will carry out continuous follow-ups and regular reviews to ensure that the requirements are being met.

Since 2022, we have been members of the Chemicals Group EEE network, which is aimed at companies in the electronics industry. Membership in the Chemical Group provides us with access to both external monitoring and valuable networks, practical tools, updates, relevant legal updates, and news about chemicals found in articles and potential substitutes. We also receive assistance in identifying and preventing the use of unnecessary substances in our products. The Chemical Group is operated by RISE, which has been appointed as the Swedish National Metrological Institute (NMI), meaning they coordinate and represent Sweden in international metrological contexts. Metrology, or the science of measurement and its applications, is fundamental to international cooperation in trade and research and contributes to streamlining both industry and society.

Air freight is one of the least environmentally friendly modes of transportation when it comes to carbon dioxide emissions per unit of transported cargo. Aircraft use a significant amount of fossil fuels, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and contributing to climate change. As a result, air freight has a higher carbon footprint compared to other modes of transportation, making it less energy-efficient.
We have decided to discontinue air freight from 2024 for all types of deliveries in our current product range. This includes situations involving delays that impact the launch of new releases.