We want our sustainability efforts to extend far beyond our company and create positive impacts on people and nature. We want to contribute to initiatives that may not always be measurable in numbers or percentages but make people feel better and the world a slightly better place, in line with our values.
As a company, we firmly stand behind our core values:

- The equal worth of every individual, regardless of who you are, how you look, how you function, where you come from, what you believe in, or how you define yourself.
- The right of individuals to love whoever they want, regardless of gender.
- The right of individuals to practice their culture, regardless of origin.

We aim to be a responsible employer and provide a workplace where people feel good and thrive. Annual employee surveys help us identify areas for improvement. Starting in 2024, we will also introduce an annual diversity and inclusion survey.
To build knowledge about sustainability across all departments and functions, we offer training sessions every quarter. We encourage environmentally friendly commuting and the purchase of used computers, furniture, and other equipment for our offices.
Being outdoors and experiencing nature is the foundation of our existence. It is therefore natural for us to be involved in, or support initiatives that aim to, reduce climate impact or preserve important natural areas for instance.
- Since 2017, we have been members of the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA), where we pay an annual fee to support and finance projects that help protect, preserve, or restore wild places and wildlife around the world.
- In 2024, we will evaluate and join at least one new initiative aimed at protecting or promoting nature and wildlife.

Another crucial aspect of our sustainability efforts is to educate and inspire people to maintain and take care of their Silva products in the best possible way. The lifespan of a product has a significant impact on its carbon footprint, and each additional year a compass, headlamp, or any other Silva product can be used contributes to a significant environmental benefit. We are also working to improve our ability to repair and fix our products, such as assisting in magnetizing compasses that have been demagnetized for any reason. Our excellent customer service currently restores around 40 compasses per year.